Etsy Coupon (and kvetching)

25% off any Etsy order over $5.00 for my WordPress readers! Just use the code SLTLWP when placing your order. (That’s “So Long To Learn WordPress” if you’re wondering where I got that keyboard mash. Link to the shop’s at the top of the page.)

I just learned how to do this, otherwise I’d have offered it to you guys way sooner. The code’s good until July 31, 2015–after that I’ll probably have something new for you.

So … uh … I haven’t been very present lately, I know. And I’m sorry. Things are not going so well out here, and I’m not sure when they’ll get better, but it’s time to dust off and get back to work. I’ve still got a few drafts from 6 weeks ago that need to be finished and posted, and I’ll try to get those done. I also promised my uncle I’d bring him some homemade jelly when we visit in a couple weeks, so that will definitely be something to share with you guys. (And if they turn out well, they might go up in the store).